| | Made Public -Palestinians in Military Archives in Israel (a book in Arabic, published by Madar Center Ramallah, 2018 - an expended and updated version) - لمعاينة الجمهور - حكاية صور فلسطينية "معتقلة" في الأرشيفات العسكرية الإسرائيلية | |  | | Avital Cnaani, After the Wind, Ein Harod Museum of Art, September- December 2016 (curator) | |  | | Raida Adon, Woman Without a Home, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, July 2014 (Curator, catalogue in English, Arabic and Hebrew) | |  | | The Archive - Yaffa Before and after 1948, Jaffa Theatre, 9.6.2012 | |  | | Fawaran - Effervescence (Unrest) - Housing, Language, History - A New Generation in Jewish-Arab Cities, Nachum Gutman Museum of Art, 11.4.2013-24.8.2013 (curator, book in Hebrew and Arabic) | |  | | Dina Shenhav, Scenario, Gutman Art Museum, 2011 (curator) | |  | | Chalil Raad (Khalil Ra’d), Photographs 1891-1948, Gutman Art Museum, 2010 (curator, book) | |  | | Anat Saragusti, Photographs from “Ha´olam Hazeh”, 1980-1993, The Gallery of The School of Art, Culture and Society, Sapir College, 2009 (curator, catalogue) | |  | | Orit Ishay, Public Domain, The Heder Gallery, 2009 (curator, catalogue) | |  | | Made Public - Palestinian Photographs in Military Archives in Israel, 2009 (curator, book) | |  | | Crossed Histories - Manar Zuabi, Efrat Natan, Yael Bartana, Imagined Reality, Haifa City Museum, 2007 (curator, catalogue) | |  | | Six Days plus Forty years, Petach Tikva Museum of Art, 2007 (curator, book) | |  | | David Harris-Beginnings, Beit Avi Chai, 2007 (curator) | |  | | "Vom 'golden Jerusalem' zum 'brennenden Tel Aviv', Von zionistischen zur kritischen Fotografie," in: Die Neuen Hebraer, 100 Jahre Kunst in Israel, Doreet LeVitte Harten (ed), nicolai, 2005 (text for exhibition catalogue) | |  | | Sharon Bareket, Blue and Khaki, Herzliya Museum, 2006 (exhibition text) | |  | | "To Conquer the Mountain, Photographers and the Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemeth Le Israel)," in: Keren Kayemeth and Photography, Photographs from the Blue Box 1903-2003, Gadi Dagon (ed.), 2003 (text for exhibition catalogue) | |  | | “Foreign Photographer, or Rineke Dijkstra’s ‘Israeli Project’, Herzliya Museum of Art, 2001 (text for exhibition leaflet) | |  | | "White Land or after the 'Forbidden Forest,' 1967-2001", in: Ariane Littman, White Land, The Artists House, Jerusalem, 2001 (text for exhibition catalogue) | |  | | Roi Kuper-Citrus, Necropolois, Herzliya Museum, 2001 (curator, book) | |  | | Photography in Palestine in 1930s&1940s, Hakibutz Hameuchad Publishing House and Herzliya Museum, 2000 (curator, book in Hebrew) | |  | | Andres Serrano, The Morgue, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1997 (curator, catalogue) | |  | | Surroundings (Helen Chadwick, Hannah Collins, Willie Doherty, Steven Pippin, Catherine Yass) , Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1997 (curator, catalogue) | |  | | Tiranit Barzilay, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1996 (curator, catalogue) | |  | | Gilad Ophir, Cyclopean Walls, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1995 (curator, catalogue) | |  | | Robert Mapplethorpe, Retrospective, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1994 (Hebrew catalogue, curator: Germano Celant, Curator in Israel: Rona Sela) | |  | | Lorna Simpson, For the Sake of the Viewer, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1994 (Hebrew catalogue, curator: Beryl Wright, curator in Israel: Rona Sela) | |  | | 90-70-90, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1994 (curator, catalogue) | |  | | Cindy Sherman, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1993 (curator, publication) | |  | | Bill Henson, Sequences, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1993 (curator, catalogue) | |  | | The Range of Realism, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1993 (curator, publication) | |